Sunday, December 28, 2008

FMLN desecrated a Washington church - with Funes present

The FMLN, with presidential candidate Mauricio Funes present, desecrated a Christian church in Washington last December.

The desecration took place on December 12, 2007, according to a video of the event. As the video shows, the FMLN decorated the altar with its communist red banner, and filled the church with the "FMLN Hymn" whose words pay tribute to the Soviet-backed guerrillas who fought the democratic government in the 1980s.

The FMLN is the Spanish initials for Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, a union of five Marxist-Leninist factions created under the personal supervision of Fidel Castro in Cuba in 1980.

Farabundo Marti was an agent of the Stalin regime in the 1930s, a Comintern operative who founded the Communist Party of El Salvador.

In the video above, FMLN militants are seen in church making a clenched-fist salute and waving a red banner from the pews.

In the video below, Funes gives a speech in the church.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Chavez states support for FMLN victory

Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez meets with two FMLN leaders and pledges his support for the guerrilla party's political campaign to take power in El Salvador. The FMLN delegates visited Venezuela in September 2008 to engineer a deal with Venezuela's state-run PDVSA oil company as a means of financing the FMLN's campaign. They arrived in Venezuela aboard a PDVSA-owned executive jet.

Chavez says he's promoting "21st century socialism" in El Salvador and elsewhere in the hemisphere.